Volksfest 24
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Watkins Memorial High School, Pataskala, Ohio VOLKSFEST 24 was a great success! The VW's were out in force, and the weather was perfect! We had over 300 registered show participants, many spectators, dealer sponsors, and vendors, great music, a well-attended Tech Talk and lots of wonderful food provided by the Watkins Memorial High School Boosters! Thank you for supporting our local charity, Kids n Kamp, a lifeline of support for families touched by childhood cancer. Many thanks to our Volksfest 24 volunteers! It takes many COVVC volunteers to put on our show, and we appreciate each and every one of you! Special thanks to the Pataskala Boy Scout Troop 21 and the folks from Kids n Kamp for their help in making Volksfest 24 one of our best shows ever! |
A list of 2014 award winners can be found here!